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CLE Webinars and Teleconferences

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"Fantastic class. Definite eye opener."
Adam Tamas,
Attorney, DST Systems

"This class will be very useful, giving great practical analysis of ways to communicate and persuade, and help move my positions along in all parts of my life, professionally and personally."
Michael Jaskolsky,
Quarles & Brady

"One of the best ethics seminars I have seen in a long time. The examples and scenarios effectively illustrated the points made. Exceeded my expectations. "
Kate Patterson,
Patterson Ehrhardt, PLLC

"Class content exceeded my expectations. I signed up merely to check off required professionalism credits, and came away with several practical tips that will be useful in my practice."
Louann Bronstein,
Stites & Harbison

"Very good value. Valuable and dynamic material. The course exceeded my expectations."
Mary Bittence,
Baker & Hostetler