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Live CLE Seminars

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"Fantastic class. Definite eye opener."
Adam Tamas,
Attorney, DST Systems

"One of the best MCLE classes I've ever taken because it has such broad application. It's not just for interacting with clients but with all human beings, and we could all use a primer or refresher on that! As I sat in class I thought to myself: This should be taught in law school. "
Kristin Matsuda,

"Exceeded my expectations! Best ethics-related course I've ever taken."
Solomon Hunter,
Pepper Hamilton

"Interesting and unique content. This course addressed topics that lawyers need to address, how we perceive and are perceived by others. Refreshing and informative!"
Lucia McLaren,
Johnson Becker, PLLC

"Excellent balance of applicable knowledge with real world examples. A fun way to satisfy CLE requirements from my desktop. The instructor was prepared and easy to follow."
James Hall,
Hall Johnson LLC