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Digital Eavesdropping: Privacy Rights in the Era of Social Media and Corporate Data Collection

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This course features a panel of experts who will examine how technology is changing the social norms and individual expectations that drive privacy law. The experts will discuss: (a) the ability and limitations for social media and tech companies to use customers’ personal data; (b) the rules that govern employers’ ability to monitor employees, and (c) the new rules that govern digital eavesdropping between (virtual) neighbors. By taking this course, participants will:

  • Understand the evolving definitions of privacy in America, and how the rules are changing with new technologies.
  • Learn the arguments from both sides on a variety of privacy issues that are being challenged by business entities, employers, social media and drones.



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PRICE: $129.00




Consumer and Employee Privacy    
This section discusses the current status of consumer privacy with regard to: ownership and use of various types of social media, cloud and ISP data; the use by retailers of facial recognition technology; and personal re-identification (and identity theft) from health care data. Participants will learn how corporate policies, “legitimate business purpose”, and social norms interact to impact employee privacy on the internet (especially email), and through GPS and other technologies.



Digital Eavesdropping 
We are living in an era where anyone can access sophisticated technological surveillance. Current privacy law was designed to address old-fashioned neighbors peeking through windows. In this section participants will discuss the current debates regarding a variety of state and federal laws that set limits on how individuals can use recording devices, drones and social medial to spy on others.

Jeffrey Stec

Jeffrey Stec, J.D. has been a licensed lawyer since 1992, having practiced in the area of complex-family matters, including estate, divorce, and child custody disputes. Jeff developed his collaborative skills by becoming a certified mediator and strategic planning facilitator, specializing in family issues. Jeff has developed an expertise in the collaborative resolution of disputes, and in addition to his work with The Likeable Lawyer, he is currently a sought-after consultant who works with non-profits and municipalities to fashion solutions to complex organizational and community issues. Jeffrey graduated with honors from the University of Michigan Law School, and earned a Bachelor of Arts in English with high honors from the University of Michigan.

Neil Richards

Neil Richards is an internationally-recognized expert in privacy law, information law, and freedom of expression. He is a professor of law at Washington University School of Law, an affiliate scholar with the Stanford Center for Internet and Society and the Yale Information Society Project, a Fellow at the Center for Democracy and Technology, and a consultant and expert in privacy cases. He serves on the boards of the Future of Privacy Forum, the Right to Read Foundation, and is a member of the American Law Institute. Professor Richards graduated in 1997 with degrees in law and history from the University of Virginia, and served as a law clerk to William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States. Professor Richards is the author of Intellectual Privacy (Oxford Press 2015). His many scholarly and popular writings on privacy and civil liberties have appeared in a variety of media, from the Harvard Law Review and the Columbia Law Review to The Guardian, WIRED and Slate.

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Our courses are approved in almost all states that have CLE requirements. Accreditation for a particular course will vary by state. Please use our CLE calculator for CLE credit available in your state. For more information, visit our FAQ.

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"I found this CLE course to be thought-provoking, beneficial and practical, both as a litigator and as managing partner of my law firm. It far exceeded my expectations."
Melody Hurdle Eagan,
Lightfoot Franklin & White, LLC

"Brian provides excellent psychological examples for why his techniques work in practice. With plenty of years experience negotiating complex transactions and dealing with all kinds of clients, I still learned a good deal about why certain techniques work better than others."
John Lamberski,
Mercer Thompson LLC

"This program is terrific, the content outstanding. It provided step-by-step advice about how to create a more successful and rewarding law practice."
Elizabeth Thompson,
Jones Bothwell Dion & Thompson

"Excellent course. I enjoyed the wide scope of the presentation and the unusual variety of useful information."
Carl Forest,
Patton Boggs

"This program discusses ethos, pathos and logos not only in building professional relationships generally, but also makes it relevant to each participant's individual situation. The webinar is interactive and entertaining which is sometimes rare for a program with a basis in ethics. Highly recommended."
Amanda Owens,
White & Allen