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How to Increase Referral Business

Incoming referrals are critical to the lifeblood of a law practice. And yet most lawyers do not know how to increase the number of referrals or the quality of the matters that are referred to them. They engage in sporadic networking endeavors in the hopes that they will be lead to their next file. But there are proven methods for increasing referral business and once you implement them, you will find your rainmaking efforts to be much more proactive and productive. This live webinar will show you:

  • How to quickly identify an effective referral source
  • How to capture more of the referral potential from your professional contacts
  • How to identify exactly which client development activities will yield the best referrals for your practice
  • How to proactively (and ethically) pursue referrals rather than waiting for them to come to you

This program is a business education program with practical advice for client development that can be immediately implemented to grow your practice. This class has not been pre-approved for CLE credit.

PRICE: $79.00



Increasing Referral Business
Learn how to quickly identify effective referral source, how to capture more of the referral potential from your professional contacts, how to identify exactly which client development activities will yield the best referrals for your practice, and how to proactively (and ethically) pursue referrals rather than waiting for them to come to you



David Ackert

David has produced business development programs for thousands of lawyers and several top AmLaw 100 firms. His programs have consistently received high acclaim for their unique and valuable content, and have garnered press from publications across the United States. He teaches strategic planning and marketing courses through UCLA Extension and is a guest lecturer at USC Marshall School of Business.

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Credit Reporting

Our courses are approved in almost all states that have CLE requirements. Accreditation for a particular course will vary by state. Please use our CLE calculator for CLE credit available in your state. For more information, visit our FAQ.

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"This course was vastly superior in subject matter to any other CLE I've attended. The material is brilliant. Most importantly, it reminded me that there is an art and beauty to our practice."
Caitlin Stewart,
Persels & Associates

"I was pleasantly surprised with the depth or probing of human motivations and the promotion of seeking win-win resolutions, a trait that I find sorely missing in the profession."
Mark Baker,

"The Likeable Lawyer's program provided extremely valuable content for all levels of experience."
Mark Ruppert,
Holland & Hart

"Brian provides excellent psychological examples for why his techniques work in practice. With plenty of years experience negotiating complex transactions and dealing with all kinds of clients, I still learned a good deal about why certain techniques work better than others."
John Lamberski,
Mercer Thompson LLC

"The content was excellent; different than any other CLE class I have taken and better. It provided extremely helpful training and actionable information that I can actually use in law, business and my personal life."
Robert Alexander Glenn,
Duke Energy